What is the I Read Canadian Fund?
All children benefit from the joy of reading, but access to books is not equitable across Canada
Reading for the joy of it has more lasting impact than you might think! Beyond the simple pleasures of enjoying a good book, reading for fun has proven to enhance academic performance, social engagement, and personal development. What does that mean? It means that reading is the simplest way to give your child a healthy start.The I Read Canadian Fund supports getting new, Canadian books into the hands of young people across the country.
“We are so thankful for the books donated by the I Read Canadian Fund. At Club Amick we deliver three brand new books a year to almost 5400 First Nations children in the remote north in Ontario. The extra books donated by the I Read Canadian go a long way to help communities supplement class resources that are lacking in most First Nation communities. Club Amick thanks the OLA and the I Read Canadian Fund and recognizes this exchange in the spirit of reconciliation. Chi meegwetch!”
Nancy Cooper, First Nation Consultant, Southern Ontario Library Service.
Visit IReadCanadian.com and Donate today.
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