Be Opportunity-Minded: Start Growing Your Career Now

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Caitlin Williams

192 pages

7 x 10

November 12, 2018

If the proverbial career ladder feels more like a treadmill, it’s time for a different approach. Besides, who wants to climb a ladder anyway? Wouldn’t you rather learn how to explore, grow, and gain new skills that will lead you to new opportunities? This book, from a career coach who’s been advising library workers and other professionals for more than 25 years, is your new toolbox. Alongside plenty of encouragement to help you cultivate a positive mindset, it offers techniques for self-reflection and concrete strategies that will ensure you keep growing regardless of where you are in your career. Teaching you how to recognize opportunities for growth and then leverage them, this resource

  • looks beyond traditional moves into management positions to emphasize alternative career growth options;
  • discusses trends in librarianship and how they should guide your own growth plan;
  • includes inspiring interviews from a wide range of library professionals who have successfully jumpstarted their careers by seizing opportunities; and
  • features worksheets that will guide you as you take action, using a combination of exercises, a customizable timetable, and other related tools.

This book will give you the tools you need to sustain an ongoing, self-directed growth plan, the hallmark of a lifelong successful career.

Sku: 9780838917725

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