Creating a Local History Archive at Your Public Library

Product Description
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Faye Phillips

ISBN-13: 9780838915660

176 pages • 6 x 9
Year Published: 2017

Archival collections at public libraries present their own challenges distinct from other library materials, but they also offer the promise of unique connections between the library and its users, particularly when the archives relate to local history. Written by an archivist and librarian with hands-on experience in multiple archival and manuscripts repositories, this concise guidebook presents best practices for the acquisition, access, and care of local history materials in public libraries. Providing guidance on creating a new archive as well as reinvigorating an existing one, it addresses

  • what makes for a successful local history collection, with real-life examples that can serve as models;
  • policies, planning, procedures, and day-to-day work involved with archival collections;
  • processing, from appraisal and legal transfer to arrangement and description;
  • maintenance of the collection, offering guidance on proper care, storage, security, and disaster prevention and recovery; and
  • continuing education for staff.
This book will help public librarians and archivists give their local history archive the care and attention it so richly deserves.
Sku: 9780838915660

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